The best gift/ investment I have made in my entire life!
I’m finding myself saying yes to more social things. Not sure why but I think I’m finding that I need a little less time alone and have a little more space for connecting with others.
I learned that ALCOHOL fuels my depression and my anxiety is very well managed by medication that actually gets a fair shot at working when I’m not dumping booze into my system daily. Truly life-changing stuff.
Although I feared judgement from others and missing out on the ritual of drinking wine, I decided that I wanted to experiment with my lifestyle and DryNamics was a chance for me to try something new. I'd been drinking for most of my adult life, so I loved the idea of going against the norm and stretching myself
Although my therapist felt that drinking was keeping me ‘stuck,’ I didn’t like the stigma that came with admitting that I was drinking too much. Although group coaching was way out of my comfort zone, I decided to join Drynamics. I had been a daily wine drinker for at least 30 years and that is a hard habit to break. Nice to be able to write that in the past tense - “had been” a daily wine drinker for 30 years…
I considered DryNamics to be a sabbatical from alcohol, a reprieve from a nasty relationship. It allowed me the space to unleash my full range of emotions to a group of supportive, non-judgmental people who were coming to the program from an array of unique circumstances. The most interesting part of the program was getting to connect with people who were willing to be vulnerable about the unique circumstances that brought them to DryNamics. No matter the differences, we all shared a common desire to reclaim our lives or simply rediscover ourselves. It was an inspiring, low stakes, high gain experience that I believe demonstrated to each and every one of us how empowered we truly are.